top 14 Jimmy Dean quotes
Yuri Kochiyama Quotes
90 native amreican quotes
1) balance is not something you find it's something you create 2)“You cannot beat a river into submission. You have to surrender to its current and use its power as yours 3)“Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your priorities and go to work." 4) the very thing that held you down is going to carry you up & up & up 5) hope makes a good breakfast eat plenty of it 6) hoping for the best prepaired for the worse and unsuprized by anything in between 7) if you can't fly run, if you can't run walk if you can't walk crail but what ever you do keep going forward 8) how much you might have or want accountability memorizing the foods I love 9) it dosent matter what you did it is what you lived 10) fear is a reaction courage is a discussion 11) success may require many steps but progress only requires one 12)a budget does not limit your freedom it gives you freedom 13)“Some people look for a beautiful place. Others make a place beautiful.” - Hazrat Inayat Khan 14) once you believe in yourself things start happinging 15) IF YOU DON'T GO AFTER WHAT YOU WANT YOU WILL NOT HAVE IT if you don't ask the answer is always no if you don't think forward you'll always be in the same place 16) if you want this time to be different you have to do things differently 17) cosistency never means messing up it means never giving up 18) do something today that your future self will be proud of 19) your mind will believe what you tell it feed it hope feed it truth feed it love 20) there is nothing wrong with being a beggner we all start from there 21) alone we can do so little together we can do much helen Keller 22) success is nothing more then a few simple discaplines praticed every day. 23) the future belongs to those who prepair today 24) we are what we repeatedly do exelence is mot an act but a habit. 25) you are confined by the walls only you build yourself. 26) children have never been very good at listening to their elders but they have never failed to imatate them 27) it is easier to build up a child then it is to repair an adult 28) you can't go back and change the begining but you can start where you are and change the ending 29) "I am AWARE of food. Not AFRAID of Food. 30) gratitude makes sence of our past bring peace for today and creates a vision for tommorow 31) all dreams are within reach all you need to do is keep moving torwards them 32) always go with the choice that scares you most because that is the one that's going to help you grow 33) the man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones 34) every drop in the ocean counts 35) your strength shows up different on different days. 36) success recognized is success repeated 37) don't wait until you reach your goal to be proud of youreslf be proud of every step you take for reaching that goal. 38) what you get by acheving your goals is not as importent as what you become achieving your goals 39) balance is the key to everything what we do think say eat feel they all require awareness and through this awareness we can grow. 40) success is the product of daily habits not once in a lifetime transformation 41) if you want time to be different you have to do things differently. consistenmcy means not giving up 42) no regrets in life just lessons learned 43) consistency is what takes something you do one day and turns them into a lifestyle. 44) tiptoe if you must but take the steps simplicity is the essence of happiness 45) it's okey if you fall down and loose your spark just make sure that when you get back up you rise as the whole dang fire 46) if you always put limits on everything you do physical or anything else it will spread into your work and into your life there are no limits there are only plaetus and you must not stay there you must go beyond them. 47) kindness in words creates confidence kindness in thinking creates profoudness kindness in giving creats love 48) healthy is an outfit that looks different on anybody unkown author. 49) all big things come from small begginings the seed of every habit is a single tiny decision. 50) the smallest step in the right direction is the biggest step in your life 51) if the plan does not work change the plan but not the goal. 1) And suddenly you just know it's time to start something new and Trust the magic of beginnings 2) and sometimes life is just hard and some days are just rough and sometimes you just Got to cry before you can move forward and all of that is okay. 3) don't let the struggles pull you away from the Victories 4) Fear is a reaction courage is a decision. 5) Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction. And with being the biggest step of your life. Name Reem Calloway 6) Human does not mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls uur lives 7} I'll mean the laws of the spirit remain. Always the same. 8) Listen, or your tongue will keep you deaf. 9) Things catch our eye, but pursue only those that capture the heart. 10) Give me knowledge. So I may have kindness for all. 11) Change of perspective comes with climbing the mountains set before you. 12) Respect is not a commodity respect is a way of being. 13) When we live inside our purpose our path is smooth. 14) Peace comes within the souls of men when they realize their relationships is Oneness with the universe and all its powers Black Elk wisdom 15) The groundwork of all happiness is health. 16) Successes is having fun 17) Your life is the foundation for all abundance 18) The only thing I like better than talking about food is eating. 19) You will. never change your life until you change something You do daily. The Secret of your success is found in your daily routine. 20) The mind and body are not separate one always affects the other. 21) lovely thing lovely thing from water adjust yourself in every situation and then any change but most important find your own way to float. 22) Hope is not simply a Feeling. Hope is a discipline that requires constant practice within the context. 23) To be prepared is half the victory. Miguel de Cervantes 24) Be the designer of the world around you not merely the consumer of it. 25) It's always impossible until it's done. 26) Ain't No Mountain High Enough 27) It is better to repair and prevent then it is to repair and repent. 28) be aware of once unacceptable and say no do what is best for you. And no it's not your responsibility sacrifice yourself for others. 29) To understand this to proceed patterns Isaac berlin 30) Feed it hope feed it truth feed it love a quote from Shelle WW vitural coach 31) writing bridges the inner and outter worlds and connects the paths of action and reflection christiana baldwen 32) focus on the process not the outcome and you will always enjoy great success Dr Julie Amato 33) it is where you come from it's where you're going that counts Ella Fitzgerald 34) the hardest thing about activity is to start doing and once you're active regularly the hardest thing is to stop. Quote from ABW Weight Watcher virtual coach January 22nd 2024 230 Workshop Pacific Standard Time 35) “You must speak straight so that your words may go as sunlight into our hearts. 36) We Were created. To make somebody else's life better. Someone out there needs like you have your smile your words and your encouragement share your gifts today. God bless you all. Amen now go save the world.